Thursday, November 22, 2007


Tofurkey? Check. Vegan gravy? Check. Whole wheat pumpkin pie? Check. How can we make T-Day more earth-friendly? Hmmmmm...

Aha! Organic aprons!

American Feast makes a great 100% organic cotton apron for $14. Find hemp aprons in cool colors at Naturally, hemp is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Take that salmonella!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

like a san francisco risotto

Using petroleum products to clean up spilled petroleum? I hear a Scooby-Doo, "Urngh?"
When you think about it, our hair is one of the best natural oil-absorbers around. Bay Area salons are contributing hair to help make woven hair pads to soak up the bunker oil in the bay.

Second part of the sustainable solution is adding the soaked hair pads to a compost pile with oyster mushrooms. The fungi will eat and absorb oil until it is broken down into hydrocarbon.

Go get a haircut, and contribute that shizz. Matter of Trust is the mastermind behind this sustainable solution. Even the SF Chronicle thinks its great! Click here for the whole story.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Barney's NY Green-idays

Simon Doonan et al create a green wonderland in Barneys New York's holiday windows. The Manhattan mecca is not only stocking the flossiest Balenciaga bag, but a thousand-can strong recycled Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Raindeer sculpture.

Some argue it is a fantasy that purchasing environmentally-friendly apparel will have an effect on climate change. To that, I say "duh".

My goal is to spend my hard earned cash consciously, and on products which support a greener solution. If I apply this to clothing, grocery shopping, transportation, even energy consumption I like to believe this will make one-one millionth of a difference. Better than doing nuthin.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Oil Spill At Home

Safe to say, I haven't much felt like writing about fashion recently. The Cosco Busan's 58,000 gallons of oil that were spilled into my beloved San Francisco Bay last week have tainted both the ecosystem and our spirit.

Being born, raised, and currently residing in the Bay Area, this disaster is truly touching to me personally and the long term effects are gravely disturbing prospects. Quite simply, it breaks my heart.

For more information on the SF Bay Area oil spill and how to join me as a cleanup volunteer, click on

Sunday, November 4, 2007

south pacific chic

Bahay Bags creates woven handbags and clutches made from natural weaves such as raffia, pandan, sabutan, bamboo, and buntal. All Bahay products are hand-woven and inspired by the natural, vibrant aesthetic of the Philippines. The line has received attention from Daily Candy and Lucky magazine, among others.

Allyson Vivid Rain clutch
Sale $70